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Miles of smiles Foundation

Message from the Executive Director

On behalf of Miles of Smiles Foundation, I welcome you to a youth-led and youth-serving organization that aims at creating smiles in the lives of young people. Miles of Smiles provides; Psychosocial support services through one on one, group and residential camps to children, adolescents and young people living with HIV. ,Digital health services through the Mosmiles mobile application,Effective referrals to family planning and other reproductive health services,Translate health scientific ...
Miles of smiles Foundation

Our Programs

Miles of smiles Foundation

Our Impact

Health facilities Supported
AYP Supported
Application Users
Peer Leaders Empowered
Projects Completed
Soft Skilling Sessions Conducted
Miles of smiles Foundation


I used to have a non-suppressed child, we had done everything possible for this boy, he used to hide his treatment under the bed back at home, we paid a visit at his home and we recovered over 10 tins of drugs. But ever since this boy attended the camp, He is now a very changed person. He is now suppressed .
Yiga John Bosco
Lwanda H/C IV
Children never miss their appointments at the facility due to the play materials given to us by Miles of Smiles foundation. When these children are at the facility, they play together, have fun together and are always looking forward to their next appointment
Counselor Angella
rakai hospital
I really cherish Miles of Smiles , for the great work they are doing in the young, when i compare data in the facilities they serve and those they dont serve have seen a great change, i pray that Miles of Smiles extends its services to other facilities within the region or even countrywide
Dr. Faith Nakiyimba